
Brückenschläge und Schlagworte

Schlagwort: hopes

Tower Bridge in London, England

Today’s Bridge on Bridges on Sundays is probably a bit more widely known then my regular pick.

Tower Bridge, London, EnglandThis is, of course, London’s famous Tower Bridge.

I have been to England only once, which I regret very much, because I liked both London and Bristol – and in fact, looking out the window on the train ride between the two made me want to get off at about every stop, especially Bath. I felt travelling there to be very different from the places I usually travel to. The best description I can come up with is that I found England wholesome. Intact, if you will. Which may be nothing but a sign for the fact that I haven’t spent enough time there yet to discover its inconsistencies, its struggles and dark sides.

However, I think Tower Bridge supports this notion in its architecture, and here’s why: The prominent thing about Tower Bridge is not the part where people cross it. What catches everyone’s eye instead are the two impressive and beautiful towers. There is a dominance of the vertical when bridges usually put focus to the horizontal. It is as though here there’s not so much need for sketching, bridging, piecing together parts – but looking above and ahead, reaching for more, for the skies. I found myself in that, too. When we see eye to eye and the connection works, we should try to put our powers together and reach the next highest level. Most of the time, the sky is the limit.

If you have read My Mission statement, you know why I love bridges. To me they are the most universal symbol of connection, of bringing people together and overcoming anything that may seperate us. I want to present to you pictures of bridges that I really love in places that I really love on my blog every Sunday. If you have a picture of a bridge that you would like to share with my readers as a guest post, feel free to contact me!

Danube Bridges in Budapest, Hungary

Today’s photo on Bridges on Sundays brings you several bridges – a bridge cluster, if you will: The bridges over the Danube in Budapest.

1Ungarn - Budapest

It is a little more than three years ago that I started my South Eastern Europe adventure. Budapest will forever hold a special place in my heart, because it was the first stop in a non German-speaking country – the place where the whole magnitude of my adventure started to actually feel real and concrete. When I got off the train here, I knew it: It had started. These months were to belong to no one but me, and they’d be full of life and joy. And they really were.

On my last night in Budapest I climbed up Gellert Hill at sunset and looked down at the Danube river between Buda and Pest. The day had been beautiful and sunny, not yet really warm, but Spring was in the air. As the sky turned darker, the city turned lighter – lights were turned on first in the houses, then on the streets, finally the bridges were floodlit. I loved how light transcended from the skies to the earth, and I had such hopes and dreams and never knew to which degree they were to be exceeded. It was a happy moment indeed.

If you have read My Mission statement, you know why I love bridges. To me they are the most universal symbol of connection, of bringing people together and overcoming anything that may seperate us. I want to present to you pictures of bridges that I really love in places that I really love on my blog every Sunday. If you have a picture of a bridge that you would like to share with my readers as a guest post, feel free to contact me!